Our CSA box offers fresh, local, organic produce straight from our farm to the community. By joining our CSA program you're making a commitment to work with MA‘O to achieve our mission — to empower young people to become educated, rooted leaders and to make our island home more food secure. In the long run you’ll be “co-producing” with us to create a sustainable Hawai‘i.
A system of farming that bring farmers, community members, and ʻāina together into a mutually beneficial relationship. Signing up a subscriber entitles members to a share of the harvest throughout the season. This commitment implies a willingness to share in the bounty of the land, as well as some of the risks and pleasures of farming.
MAʻ O CSA subscription boxes are available on a weekly or every other week (bi-weekly) schedule. Subscriber must commit to an 8 box subscription. Our boxes are delivered to convenient pick-up sites located across Oʻ ahu. Subscribers receive 8-10 items that consists of salad greens, cooking greens, root vegetables, and herbs or (seasonal) fruit determined by what is abundant and delicious at harvest time. As a CSA subscriber, this program is structured as an 8 box agreement between you, the subscriber, and us, MAʻ O Organic Farms. In this way, we become co-producers of local, organic ʻ ai pono (good food).