MAʻ O’s social enterprise structure allows us to use the activity and revenue generated by our organic farming business, as well as outside funds, to pursue our mission of community empowerment. Building capacity and well-being in a region undermined by decades of underinvestment requires a commitment of approaches and resources that would not be viable for a traditional for-profit company. The social enterprise model allows us to take a systemic view and work with partners to make critical investments that will benefit youth, their future employers and the broader community.
We weave together economic development and educational programming to strengthen, and amplify our social enterprise, ensuring that we achieve our mission to:
build a future of māʻ ona, of plenty, by connecting youth and land through the daily practice of aloha ʻ āina, empowering youth to succeed in college and secure sustaining careers, and growing organic produce that yields individual and communal vitality.