Youth Voice
MAʻ O has grown even more committed to centering youth voices and building individual and collective agency. Moʻ olelo Sovereignty has emerged as a key framework in programming, manifesting in HYLT intern seminars, audio/visual production projects, virtual speaking opportunities, and the ability to engage in-person. Check out the growing collection of Youth Voice projects.
Watch and read their moʻ olelo!
(2021) Youth Voice Season 2
Debuted: April 14, 2021 Filmed, directed, and edited by Extern Junell Fonokalafi and HYLT intern, Emilin David. Listen to YLT intern Ethan share his thoughts about being at MAʻO.
Debuted: April 28, 2021. Created by HYLT intern Olivia Q. Meet YLT intern Mapuana Hardy Kahaleoumi from the ‘Ewa Moku! Listen to her enthusiasm about weeding.
Debuted: May 21, 20201 created by HYLT interns Elerina H. and Tiare T. YLT intern Shannen Dimeano shares her experience about being an alakaʻi.
Debuted: June 2, 2021 created by HYLT Liona E. and Troy W. YLT intern Jayden shares her thoughts of farming for the community.
(2020) Youth Voice Season 1
Debuted: September 28, 2020 -- As our youth dig into their Fall semester we asked YLT intern, Arileigh to share a reflection about her experience in college compared to high school. Filmed and produced by HYLT Emilin.
Debuted: October 14, 2020 -- My role in creating Youth Voice video is to share young leaders voice about their experience here at the farm. I interviewed our Farm Management Apprentice, Kelie Reimer, because she is a young farmer that enjoys working with ʻāina. No matter where you come form or what experience you already have, there are many different spaces where you learn more and can share that knowledge with others. - Tiare, HYLT
Debuted: October 28,2020 -- YLT intern Jacob Yamada talks about what motivates him to work so early in the morning. Produced, filmed, and edited by HYLT Emilin David.
Debuted: November 13, 2020 -- Episode IV of Youth Voice. Meet Lynn Batten. She started as a YLT intern, inspired many as the Farm2Fork Coordinator, and now a Farm Manager Apprentice. She shares her thoughts on her work for the community.